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into local

Addressed to Italian and international artists
No theme limitation
Three categories in competition

Non conoscete TINALS? Rimediamo subito e ve li presentiamo:

TINALS è un’autoproduzione editoriale nata nel 2013 con la collana di cassettine illustrate, conosciute con il nome di “tinals” accompagnate dal claim “ogni cassetta una canzone d’amore illustrata”. All’interno delle confezioni di plastica delle musicassette risiede una cassetta di carta che una volta aperta sia allunga in una striscia orizzontale rivelando l’illustrazione di una canzone.

Negli anni il progetto si è espanso a dismisura pubblicando prodotti sempre più diversi ma restando sempre fedele alla sua linea: far flirtare il fumetto e l’illustrazione con la cultura e l’immaginario pop, ovvero con la musica, il cinema, le serie tv, etc, dando vita a prodotti editoriali atipici o restituendo una nuova funzione a formati in disuso. Dalla collana “Remake – I film in vhs come non li avete mai visti”, reinterpretazione a fumetti di un cult movie, a Not Tv sul mondo delle serie televisive e infine El Pì (vinili di carta) e Nicotinals dedicati di nuovo al mondo musicale. Quasi ogni prodotto pubblicato da TINALS è stato disegnato da un artista diverso riuscendo così a creare un catalogo autori sconfinato che rappresenta al meglio il panorama artistico italiano attuale.


for artists

Each author can participate, with one or more works, even if not unpublished, in all sections.
There are no age limits, nor obligations of residence or citizenship.
Short films with a maximum duration of 45 minutes are admitted.
No theme limitation for short films.
Artists who want to participate in the first edition of Short Out can apply directly online at Film Freeway and Fest Home.
Deadline for registration to the first edition: 15/05/2022
In order to register it is necessary to pay a registration fee of 10 euros to the Festival, by bank transfer or Paypal. Once paid, the registration fee is not refundable in any case
Those enrolled in the first edition are also required to sign the rules of the Festival which must be sent initialed to the following email address:


short film selection

Short films selection
At the closing of the call, it will be the task of the Artistic Direction of the Festival to choose the short films of the first edition

Announcement of selected short films and sending communications: 7/6/2022
All the works sent will be evaluated by the Direction respecting the privacy of the participants and observing the protection of their artistic and intellectual heritage.


A jury of three members, coming from the film industry in all its nuances, will be in charge of deciding the winning short films and freely express their motivations during the award ceremony of the competing artists.
The jury may reserve special mentions or non-economic prizes awarded to specific technical departments.


festival awards

Festival prizes
The winners of the categories in competition will be awarded three prizes divided as follows:

  • Best Short: 1000 €

  • Best International: 500 €

  • Best National: 500 €

Additional prizes will be awarded by other actors among the protagonists of Short Out Festival:

  • media partners

  • audience preferences


join short out selection

Entries are open from February 23 through May 15, 2022.
Submissions of short films to the Festival can be made through: Film Freeway, Fest Home.
The deadline for short film entries is May 15, 2022.

  • Vimeo
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