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i corti vincitori, la giuria e il programma della prima edizione

Tutti gli highlights della prima edizione di Short Out: i corti vincitori e quelli in gara, la giuria del Festival e il programma dei tre giorni dal 15 al 17 luglio nella cornice storica di Villa Litta a Lainate (MI), location dell'evento. 

best movie


Dania Bdeir,

Lebanon, 2022

It builds a spectacular tension that, despite the strong realism of the approach, explodes in a prodigious queer fantasy that is the last thing you can expect, best completing the twist/surprise function that a good short should have.


It looks like a documentary but ends up being a musical: this is prodigious, from the point of view of the director's ability to vary in tone, without flaws.

The presentation of the context of the Syrian refugees is supported by a plastic and deeply mimetic photography, which is never artificial or lacquered.


The metaphor of the crane, in the tormented Lebanese society, is poignant.

best international


Matias and Tomas Maumus, Argentina, 2021

A contemporary parable where Christianity becomes a tender cinematic trick and where the camera, also thanks to a lucid visual essentiality, knows how to be light and penetrating.


It's a film that stays in the heart, because it's still the act of love of the childish gaze, but it's also deeply caustic.


So caustic as to become spiritual, in its own way, in reverse.

best national

linfa vitale

Fausto Franchi,

Italy, 2022

A beautiful and intelligent short that can be distinguished by the skilful narrative ability to transfer meaning, in the staging, to elements that are apparently distant from each other but which, in the connection established, reinforce each other.


The narrative capacity of the point of view is as discreet and delicate as it is biting. The acting of the protagonist fulfills all these premises and, without excessive smudging, makes each passage authentic.


From an alleged entomological documentary we move on to a sort of family thriller: this variety of tone is also due to the always well-calibrated editing.


Everything rotates in a well assimilated harmony.

special mention

destinata coniugi lo giglio

A truly effective kammerspiel of our times where, between echoes of crime and family drama, every element is in its place.


The direction of important actors takes place with great dramatic discipline and the direction always knows how to follow the gazes, souls and movements with lucid and detached participation.

Nicola Prosatore, Italy, 2021

audience award

La Banyera

Sergi Marti,

Spain, 2021


il programma

Venerdì 15 luglio | Day 1

ore 18:00 Inaugurazione del Festival e apertura Market

ore 18:30 Inaugurazione della mostra “Dal centro ai margini. Riflessioni fotografiche” e incontro con i fotografi


ore 19:30, spazio Talk Short nel Cortile Nobile, Linfe Periferiche: Oltrepassare il confine della città | Incontro con Agostino Petrillo, professore associato di Sociologia dell’Ambiente e del Territorio al Politecnico di Milano, con Fiamma Colette Invernizzi, arch. PHD., editor-in Chief di Isplora


ore 21:15 Inizio proiezione dei cortometraggi nel Teatro Naturale

  • Paraclete (2022) di Matias Maumus, Tomas Maumus [Argentina] 

  • Linfa Vitale (2022) di Fausto Franchi [Italy]

  • A Sabbath on the Longest Day of the Year (2021) di Edmund Telmo [Philippines]

  • Lock notes (2021) - Nicola Schito [Italy]

  • A comme Azur (2021) di Chiara Malta, Sébastien Laudenbach [France]

  • Tutù (2021) di Lorenzo Tiberia [Italy]

  • Warsha (2022) di Dania Bdeir [Lebanon]


ore 23:30 Incontro con i registi al Talk Short

Sabato 16 luglio | Day 2


ore 16:30 Proiezione del Film “L’altro buio in sala” di Ciro Formisano presso l’Auditorium della Biblioteca L’Ariston Lainate Urban Center

ore 17:00 Apertura Market

ore 18:30, spazio Talk Short nel Cortile Nobile, incontro con i Minimal Incipit | modera Federica Speziali, Digital Media Manager


ore 19:30 spazio Talk Short nel Cortile Nobile, Diritti marginali: Le condizioni delle carceri italiane | Incontro con Salvatore Striano, attore cinematografico e teatrale | con Eliana Onofrio, presidente associazione Amici della Nave e con Paolo Foschini, giornalista del Corriere della Sera e vicepresidente dell’associazione Amici della Nave


ore 21:15 Inizio proiezione dei cortometraggi nel Teatro Naturale

  • La Pescatora (2021) di Lucia Lorè [Italy]

  • Brutalia, Days of Labour (2021) di Manolis Mavris [Greece] 

  • Destinata Coniugi Lo Giglio (2021) di Nicola Prosatore [Italy]

  • Mappatura. Ovvero: la città come tassonomia musealizzata degli umani disinganni (2021) di Niccolò Buttigliero [Italy]

  • La Banyera (2021) di Sergi Martí [Spain]

  • A Fairy Tale (2021) di Zoé Arene [Belgium]

  • Sbagliando s’inventa (2022) di Alice Sagrati [Italy]


ore 23:30 Incontro con i registi al Talk Short


Domenica 17 luglio | Day 3


ore 15:00 Proiezione del Film “Who’s Romeo” di Giovanni Covini presso l’Auditorium della Biblioteca L’Ariston Lainate Urban Center


ore 17:00 Proiezione del cortometraggio “Da dove verso dove” di Aurora Bini, Gabriele Gandini, Nora Guerra, Valentina Marchetti, Giorgio Parisi e Mattia Zerbinati - registi presenti in sala

ore 17:00 Apertura Market

ore 18:30, spazio Talk Short nel Cortile Nobile, Teuta, il pirata del Po, o la dolorosa storia: come si diventa delinquenti | Lettura spettacolo a cura di Informale Ippolito Dalvit, di e con Enrico Bollini e Giacomo Tamburini

ore 19:30, spazio Talk Short nel Cortile Nobile, Ai margini dell'inquadratura: La cinematografia contemporanea | Incontro con Giovanni Covini, filmmaker e docente e Valentina Malcotti, regista e filmmaker| modera Odoardo Maggioni, direttore artistico di Short Out


ore 21:15 Inizio proiezione dei cortometraggi nel Teatro Naturale

  • Lo Chiamavano Cargo (2021) di Marco Signoretti [Italy]

  • Lili Alone (2021) di Zou Jing [China]

  • Maestrale (2021) di Nico Bonomolo [Italy]

  • Buon Compleanno Noemi (2022) di Angela Bevilacqua [Italy]

  • Action (2022) di Benoît Monney [Switzerland]

  • Don vs Lighting (2021) di Big Red Button [United Kingdom]


ore 23:00 Premiazione dei cortometraggi in gara nel Teatro Naturale

ore 23:30 Incontro con i registi e assegnazione Premio del Pubblico al Talk Short

browse the gallery
of the first edition

short film

in competition 2022

The official list of the 20 short films in competition for the 2022 edition of our Festival, from 15 to 17 July in the historic setting of Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta in Lainate (MI)




  • Linfa Vitale (2022) di Fausto Franchi

  • La Pescatora (2021) di Lucia Lorè

  • Mappatura. Ovvero: la città come tassonomia musealizzata degli umani disinganni (2021) di Niccolò Buttigliero 

  • Lo Chiamavano Cargo (2021) di Marco Signoretti

  • Destinata Coniugi Lo Giglio (2021) di Nicola Prosatore 

  • Maestrale (2021) di Nico Bonomolo 

  • Tutù (2021) di Lorenzo Tiberia 

  • Lock notes (2021) - Nicola Schito

  • Buon Compleanno Noemi (2022) di Angela Bevilacqua 

  • Sbagliando s’inventa (2022) di Alice Sagrati 




  • Warsha (2022) di Dania Bdeir [Lebanon] 

  • Lili Alone (2021) di Zou Jing [China]

  • Action (2021) di Benoît Monney [Switzerland]

  • A Sabbath on the Longest Day of the Year (2021) di Edmund Telmo [Philippines] 

  • A Fairy Tale (2021) di Zoé Arene [Belgium] 

  • A comme Azur (2021) di Chiara Malta, Sébastien Laudenbach [France] 

  • Brutalia, days of labour (2021) di Manolis Mavris [Greece]

  • Don vs Lighting (2021) di Big Red Button [United Kingdom] 

  • Paraclete (2021) di Matias Maumus, Tomas Maumus [Argentina] 

  • La Banyera (2021) di Sergi Martí [Spain]



of short out festival

Claudia Marsicano

jury president

Claudia Marsicano

UBU under 35 award in 2017, she was born in Naples in 1992. In 2005 at the age of fourteen, he moved to Milan where he attended the Brera Art School. During his high school years, she studied singing and approached the theater starting his theatrical studies in 2006 at the Quelli di Grock Theater School, where she graduated.


In 2013, together with Francesco Alberici, and later with Daniele Turconi, she founded the company Frigoproduzioni, which in 2014 made its debut with its first show "SocialMente".


Her theatrical and performer training continues with participation in various workshops with: Claudio Orlandini, John Strasberg, Paolo Nani, Ivana Chubbuk and others. At the same time, she works as an actress in the shows "Made in China" and "Heretico de Leviedelfool", "The best day of my life" by Manifatture Teatrali Milanesi, "R.osa" by Silvia Gribaudi, "Tropicana" by Frigoproduzioni.


Candidate for the Ubu 2016 award, she won it in 2017, as best actress under 35. In 2019 she participated in the film Mi wonder when you will miss me, directed by Francesco Fei. In 2021 she was hired by Cattleya to interpret the role of Caterina in the Noi series, the Italian version of This Is Us, broadcast on Rai 1.

Barbara Sorrentini

journalist and author


Graduated in philosophy, journalist, presenter and author at Radio Popolare. Since 2002 she has curated and hosted the show “Chassis” and for a few years she made “Vogliamo anche le rose”, dedicated to documentaries.

She was the artistic director of the Festival of goods confiscated from the mafias. 


She has collaborated with La Repubblica, E-Il Monthly, Page 99, blogger for MicroMega, Cineforum Web, Cinecittà News, 8 1/2. He is among the curators of the book Entretiens- Nanni Moretti, published by Cahiers du Cinéma, and is among the authors of the Guida ai film per ragazzi (Il Castoro).

She was a consultant for the Department of Culture of Milan (2012-2013).

Giuseppe Carrieri

director and documentary maker


Neapolitan director, born in 1985, has always cultivated the profession of the gaze looking for a novelty among the forgotten realities.


His first documentary productions, entirely self-produced, have received acclaim from national and international awards: among these stand out "In Utero Srebrenica" (2013), nominated for the David di Donatello as best feature film documentary, winner of the Prix International du Reportage Europeen and Aljazeera Film Festival and "Hanaa" (2017) in official selection at CPH Dox and Moscow Film Festival, already winner of the Cape Town Film Festival. The latest work, entitled "The Metamorphoses" (2019), selected at the Rome Film Festival, is a docu-fairy tale set among the wrecks of the Neapolitan suburbs where the myth of Ovid still seems to take shape.


University professor of directing at the IULM University of Milan and missionary in suburban schools for courses dedicated to the sentimental education of images, he collaborated in the creation of many television formats for broadcasters such as SKY ARTE ("Portrait of Gaetano Pesce", "Artisti on the run "," LIGHT ") or LA EFFE (" We are Culture "), or RAI (" Notturno Italiano "," Tu sali tra le stelle "," Startup in a day ") and TV2000 (" Notes on happiness "," This land will be beautiful "," Traveling with Mohamed "). His latest production is a docu-reality series entitled "Call Me Tony King" (three 40 'episodes) broadcast on the Discovery Plus and Real Time platforms.


festival awards

Festival prizes
The winners of the categories in competition will be awarded three prizes divided as follows:

  • Best Short: 1000 €

  • Best International: 500 €

  • Best National: 500 €

Additional prizes will be awarded by other actors among the protagonists of Short Out Festival:

  • media partners

  • audience preferences


the sponsors
of the first edition

with the collaboration and contribution of 


under the patronage of

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with the contribution of

fondazione cariplo

with the participation of

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main sponsor

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La campana di Vetro LOGO.png

technical sponsor

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media partners

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  • Vimeo
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