best short film
Best short film:
1.500 euro + trophy
Best international short:
750 euro + trophy
Best Italian short:
750 euro + trophy
for artists
Each author can participate, with one or more works, even if not unpublished, in all sections.
There are no age limits, nor obligations of residence or citizenship.
Short films with a maximum duration of 45 minutes are admitted.
No theme limitation for short films.
Accommodation and food for the night of their own screening will be offered to the finalist filmmakers.
Artists who want to participate in the first edition of Short Out can apply directly online at Film Freeway and Fest Home.
Deadline for registration to the fourth edition: April, 23, 2025
In order to register it is necessary to pay a registration fee of 10 euros to the Festival, by Paypal: or by bank transfer
IBAN: IT10V0503433223000000003860
Tutti Frutti ETS
Header Bank: Banco BPM - Banca Popolare di Milano
Causale: "Titolo Corto - Short Out"
Once paid, the registration fee is not refundable in any case.
Those enrolled in the first edition are also required to sign the rules of the Festival which must be sent initialed to the following email address:
short film selection
Short films selection
At the closing of the call, it will be the task of the Artistic Direction of the Festival to choose the short films of the fourth edition
Announcement of selected short films and sending communications:
31st May 2025
All the works sent will be evaluated by the Direction respecting the privacy of the participants and observing the protection of their artistic and intellectual heritage.
of short out festival
The jury, chosen by the organizers among experts in the field, will proclaim the winners at its sole discretion in the final evening of the Festival.
The jury may reserve special mentions or non-economic prizes awarded to specific technical departments.
festival awards
Festival prizes
The winners of the categories in competition will be awarded three prizes divided as follows:
Best Short Film: 1.500 € + trophy
Best International: 750 € + trophy
Best National: 750 € + trophy
Additional prizes will be awarded by other actors among the protagonists of Short Out Festival:
Jury Prize (trophy)
Audience Award (Trophy)